Balanced and Unbalanced Forces


Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

Balance force:- When equal forces act in opposite directions on an object, they are called balanced forces. In this case there is no any effect on the object’s position and it will remain at rest . Such forces do not cause any changes in motion. Balanced forces can change the shape size of an object.

Unbalanced force:- When two opposite forces of different magnitudes acts on object. In this case, the object would begin to move in the direction of the greater force. This suggests that an unbalanced force acting on an object brings it in motion.

Net Force:- The net force is the overall force acting on an object when both the forces acting on it. it determines the direction of in which the object will move and how fast it will accelerate. If the net force is zero, the forces are balanced, and there is no change in motion. However, if the net force is not zero, the forces are unbalanced, and the object’s motion will change accordingly.

Frictional force:- Friction is a force that opposes the relative motion of objects in contact with each other. When two surfaces rub against each other, friction acts to resist their motion.

Effect of Force

Newton’s laws of motion
